How Quakers Make Decisions

In the QuakerSpeak video below, Eden Grace, Friends United Meeting's Global Ministries Director, explains how the sacred discernment of seemingly trivial decisions can transform the world.

Do you share Eden’s view that “each and every decision facing the Meeting is a holy and sacred and sacramental opportunity?”

The New York Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice offers this guidance on Meeting for Business:


Friends’ business meetings are meetings for worship with a concern for business. When there seems to be disagreement, a free expression of all opinions should be encouraged. Those who speak in meetings for business are advised not to be unduly persistent in advocacy or opposition, but, after having fully expressed their views, to recognize the generally expressed sense of the meeting. A deep and seeking silence can help to reconcile seemingly opposing points of view.

Meetings should be conducted in the spirit of wisdom, forbearance, and love.


Are meetings for worship and business held in expectant waiting for divine guidance? Are we regular and punctual in attendance? Are we willing and faithful in the service of our meeting and in financial support of its activities?

Friends are encouraged to consider this guidance and are welcome to share any reflections in the comments.