Advice and Queries on Meeting for Worship

In the most recent QuakerSpeak video, Emily Provance discusses hearing from God while worshiping online.

The New York Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice offers this guidance on Meeting for Worship:


From the beginnings of our Society, we have considered it necessary to assemble frequently for the purpose of public worship held in expectant waiting for divine guidance, thereby manifesting our belief in and dependence upon our creator. Meet­ing for worship is fundamental for us, and we should be diligent and punctual in our attendance. We seek, through communion with God, the strengthening influence of the Holy Spirit to en­able us to discharge with fidelity the services we owe to God, to each other, and to all people.


Are meetings for worship and business held in expectant waiting for divine guidance? Are we regular and punctual in attendance? Are we willing and faithful in the service of our meeting and in financial support of its activities?

Friends are encouraged to reflect on this guidance and are welcome to share any reflections in the comments.