Buffalo Quaker Meeting seeks to exemplify Quaker testimonies through daily life in Western New York. We emphasize hard work, simple living and generous giving in vibrant community. We are committed to integrity, equality and the peaceful settlement of disputes.
Founded in 1939, our meeting follows the Quaker tradition of unprogrammed worship. Participants gather in community and listen in silent expectation for a divine message. We recognize that each person has a unique connection to the Spirit of God and thus do not rely on designated ministers, mandated dogma or a set liturgy. Instead, every participant in the meeting for worship is able to minister as led by the Spirit.
You are welcome here!
Photo by Kathleen Lindell.
Recent News
The common bond and shared experience of communities that share space and time and value is important to understand and document. Both the Quakers and the Network of Religious Communities (NRC) are solidly led by a progressive middle class.
In late January, seventeen Friends from Buffalo and Orchard Park Meetings met on a mild day in a Church of the Wild experience to connect with nature. Held at Sue Tannehill’s home on Tonawanda Creek, participants listened and communed with each other and the other-than-human beings in the environment. Fellowship followed with a potluck indoors
Four Friends from Buffalo Meeting attended the Powell House event February 2-4, 2024: Friends Decision-Making and Clerking: Participating in Meetings for Business With Joy & Confidence.
Buffalo and Orchard Park Friends Meetings are collaborating with Friends Peace Teams North America to start a new Buffalo Justice and Peace Library! The hope is to organize community volunteers to nurture personal relationships across diverse communities in Buffalo, as we are one of the most segregated cities in the United States. Sharing skills and knowledge goes a long way in creating just, peaceful communities and families.
We’re a rag-tag team of over 100 volunteers named Kathy’s Happy Helpers, after our founder, Kathy E. Our two-year-old group collects home goods, then cleans and furnishes apartments for refugees. Under the direction of several Buffalo resettlement agencies, we prepare for the “strangers” that Jesus commanded us to care for, and like our name says, we do it happily.
On January 30, 2024, twenty-one members of the NY FCNL Advocacy Teams met with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s staff member Sachin Mathur. He is a Legislative Assistant for Sen. Gillibrand on the Armed Services, Intelligence, and Foreign Policy Committees.